Nautica is Ready!

Nautica is Ready!

It took much longer than we thought it would, but our first issue is finally ready! We will send out the digital version this afternoon to all backers who have it coming to them. The physical magazine will be sent off to the printers today for approval, and the print-friendly version should be ready by Monday. Since we way overshot our estimated window, we are just going to send out the digital rewards as they are available instead of bundling them together for fulfillment. Almost all of the physical stuff is in hand, just waiting on the Legendary Me to arrive. We will keep you updated on that. The physical stuff will be delivered as a bundle.
We want to thank you all again for your patience during this adventure! Now that we have the process down and new templates in order, our future issues should release in a much more timely manner. The Kickstarter campaign for our second issue - Vertigo - kicks off Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 and will release in June 2024. Follow the campaign at
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