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The Greedy Guardian [Dollar Dangers]

The Greedy Guardian [Dollar Dangers]

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Adventurers Wanted! 

The dwarven settlement of Stonehold seeks brave souls to explore the Obsidian Caverns and deal with a gem-hungry xorn threatening our mining operations. The task involves navigating treacherous tunnels and securing a legendary dwarven vault. Interested parties should inquire at the Mithril Mug tavern. Riches and glory await.

~ Brekk Ironfoot
Ironfoot Mining Consortium

A Two-Hour Adventure for 5th - 9th Level Characters

Read Thrain's Creature Codex to learn about xorns, how to run them in your game, or how to fight them!

Dollar Dangers are Pay What You Want quests & encounters you find yourself doing in between adventures. They can be obtained from bounty boards, tavern patrons, local law, etc. Each Dollar Danger is broken down into digestible information:

  • The Overview - What is this task or encounter about? Mostly information the Game Master needs to run it.
  • Setting - Where does it take place?
  • Objectives - These are the requirements to complete the encounter.
  • Enemies - How many enemies are there and what are they?
  • Encounter Start - Sometimes this is a hook, other times just a drop into the action.
  • Traps/Puzzles - Are there any traps or puzzles? If so, here they are.
  • Tactics - Suggestions for how the adversaries should behave.
  • Aftermath - Tells you how things may go based on the party actions.
  • Treasure - What do they get?
  • Conclusion - Now that it's over, what's next?

You can read it here for free, or pay for the print-friendly PDF download.

Sometimes the rules change or our understanding of them does. If that happens, we may update the file. When that happens, you will receive an email letting you know and you can download the updated copy for free.

The Greedy Guardian

Adventure Overview

Deep within the heart of the Obsidian Caverns lies an ancient dwarven vault said to contain riches beyond imagination. Rumors have circulated that a xorn, driven by its insatiable hunger for precious metals and gems, has taken up residence near the vault's entrance. The local miners are too frightened to venture near the area, and they desperately seek adventurers willing to brave the depths and deal with this greedy guardian.


The Obsidian Caverns are a sprawling network of twisting tunnels and expansive underground chambers, rich in minerals and dotted with glittering veins of precious metals. The air within the caverns is cool and damp, with the sound of dripping water echoing off the walls. The ground is uneven, strewn with rocks and debris, making travel treacherous. Occasionally, tremors rattle the caverns, a clear sign of the xorn’s presence as it moves unseen through the stone. These dark and shadowy corridors provide the perfect setting for adventurers to test their skills against the challenges lurking within.

Adventure Background

For generations, the Obsidian Caverns have been the lifeblood of the nearby dwarven settlement of Stonehold. Renowned for their abundant deposits of precious metals and gemstones, these ancient tunnels have provided wealth and prosperity for the dwarves. However, recent tremors have shaken the caverns with increasing frequency, unsettling the miners and halting their operations.

The source of these disturbances has been traced to a xorn, a creature known for its insatiable appetite for precious metals, which has made its lair near the entrance of an ancient dwarven vault deep within the caverns. The xorn’s presence has disrupted mining activities. It poses a significant threat to the dwarves' way of life, as it is believed to have unearthed several valuable veins of ore, consuming the dwarves' riches and scattering them throughout the caverns.

The dwarves of Stonehold, unable to drive the xorn away with their limited resources and wary of venturing too deep into the creature’s territory, have turned to outside adventurers for help. They seek brave souls willing to delve into the heart of the Obsidian Caverns, deal with the xorn, and secure the ancient vault and its treasures before they are lost to the creature’s relentless hunger. Time is of the essence, as each passing day sees the xorn consuming more of the wealth that sustains the dwarven community.

Notable NPCs

The dwarven settlement of Stonehold is home to a variety of notable figures who play crucial roles in the community’s daily life and the unfolding adventure. From skilled craftsmen to wise elders, these individuals offer valuable insights, resources, and guidance to adventurers seeking to confront the threats lurking in the Obsidian Caverns. Interacting with these NPCs can provide vital support and enhance the adventurers’ understanding of the challenges they face.

Brekk Ironfoot

  • Vitals: 180-year-old male dwarf

  • Role: Miner and Community Leader

  • Description: A stout dwarf with a thick red beard, piercing blue eyes, and a rugged, weathered appearance from years of hard work in the mines. Known for his dedication to Stonehold and its people.

  • Motivation: Determined to rid the Obsidian Caverns of the xorn to secure the future of Stonehold and protect its mining operations.

  • Personality: Straightforward, authoritative, and deeply committed to the well-being of his community.

  • Dialogue Tips: Speaks with a gruff, earnest tone, often using mining-related metaphors. Emphasizes community and tradition.

  • Key Information: Can provide a detailed map of the Obsidian Caverns, insights into the xorn’s movements, and guidance on navigating the tunnels safely.

Elda Gemseeker

  • Vitals: 240-year-old female dwarf

  • Role: Historian and Lorekeeper

  • Description: An elderly dwarf with long, silver hair and wise, inquisitive eyes. Her library is filled with dusty tomes and artifacts reflecting her lifelong dedication to dwarven history.

  • Motivation: Eager to uncover the secrets of the dwarven vault and preserve Stonehold’s rich history for future generations.

  • Personality: Thoughtful, patient, and deeply knowledgeable about dwarven lore and the Cragtooth Mountains.

  • Dialogue Tips: Tips: Speaks with a gentle, measured tone. Often pauses to recall details and enjoys sharing historical anecdotes.

  • Key Information: Possesses knowledge about the dwarven vault, the legends surrounding the Obsidian Caverns, and insights into the xorn’s disruptions.

Kargal Stonehammer

  • Vitals: 145-year-old male dwarf

  • Role: Blacksmith

  • Description: A muscular dwarf with a fiery red beard and soot-streaked skin, reflecting his dedication to his craft. Known for producing high-quality weapons and tools for the community.

  • Motivation: Wants to provide adventurers with the best equipment to ensure they can protect Stonehold and defeat the xorn.

  • Personality: Gruff but warm-hearted, proud of his work, and always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need.

  • Dialogue Tips: Speaks with a booming voice, filled with enthusiasm. Uses blacksmithing terms and analogies.

  • Key Information: Offers insights into effective weapons against the xorn, recent rumors from the miners, and trade deals for rare materials.

Brynn Granitehelm

  • Vitals: 130-year-old female dwarf

  • Role: Proprietor of Granitehelm’s Armory (Weapon/Armor Shop)

  • Description: A sharp-eyed dwarf with braided brown hair and a welcoming smile. Her shop is neatly organized, showcasing her keen eye for quality and her extensive inventory.

  • Motivation: Aims to equip adventurers with the best gear possible to maximize their chances of success against the xorn and other threats.

  • Personality: Friendly, engaging, and perceptive, with a knack for anticipating customer needs.

  • Dialogue Tips: Speaks with a friendly and confident tone, often recommending items with enthusiasm. Uses sales techniques and assurances.

  • Key Information: Can provide recommendations on gear, rumors about the dwarven vault, and offers on enchanted items that might aid the party.

Thalric Ironfoot

  • Vitals: 175-year-old male dwarf

  • Role: Overseer of Operations at the Ironfoot Mining Consortium

  • Description: A meticulous dwarf with a well-groomed gray beard and sharp, calculating eyes. His office is organized and efficient, reflecting his approach to managing mining operations.

  • Motivation: Driven to resolve the xorn issue swiftly to resume mining operations and secure Stonehold’s economic future.

  • Personality: Detail-oriented, authoritative, and focused on efficiency and results.

  • Dialogue Tips: Speaks with a measured, authoritative tone. Often references logistics and strategy.

  • Key Information: Can provide strategic advice on dealing with the xorn, resources available from the consortium, and insights into the mining impact of the xorn’s activities.

Revered Sister Durla Stonevein

  • Vitals: 200-year-old female dwarf

  • Role: Temple Priestess

  • Description: A dignified dwarf with long, silver hair and a serene expression. Revered Sister Durla is dedicated to Moradin, offering spiritual guidance and support to the community.

  • Motivation: Seeks to restore balance and harmony in Stonehold by addressing the xorn threat and preserving the sanctity of the dwarven caverns.

  • Personality: Calm, compassionate, and wise, with a deep connection to the divine and the dwarven ancestors.

  • Dialogue Tips: Speaks with a calm and soothing voice, often pausing for reflection or prayer. Uses spiritual analogies.

  • Key Information: Can offer blessings and guidance, insights into the spiritual significance of the caverns, and knowledge about the legends surrounding the dwarven vault.

Part 1: Journey from Stonehold

The adventurers arrive at the dwarven settlement of Stonehold, learn about the xorn threat, and gather supplies. They travel to the Obsidian Caverns, facing minor obstacles and preparing for the challenges ahead.

Part 2: The Obsidian Caverns

The adventurers navigate the dark and treacherous tunnels of the caverns, encountering environmental hazards and signs of the xorn’s activity. They deal with minor threats as they make their way toward the dwarven vault.

Part 3: The Vault

The adventurers face the xorn in battle. Upon securing the vault, they claim their portion of the treasures and ensure the safety of the caverns for the dwarven miners.

Adventure Hooks

Adventure hooks are designed to provide compelling reasons for your players' characters to engage with the story. These hooks can help you integrate the adventure seamlessly into your campaign and motivate the adventurers to take action. Use the provided hooks to draw your players into the narrative of Stonehold, setting the stage for the challenges and mysteries that lie ahead. Feel free to adapt or expand upon these hooks to best fit your campaign and players' backgrounds.

The Miner's Plea

The party is approached by a desperate dwarven miner in a local tavern. He explains that his family’s livelihood depends on the riches of the Obsidian Caverns, but the presence of a xorn has made mining impossible. He offers a portion of his family’s savings as a reward if the adventurers can drive the creature away and secure the caverns, urging them to act quickly before the situation becomes dire.

An Ancient Map

The adventurers discover an ancient map leading to the long-lost dwarven vault hidden deep within the Obsidian Caverns. The map details the riches stored within but also warns of the xorn that guards the vault. Tempted by the promise of treasure, the party sets out to uncover the secrets of the vault and face the challenges that await.

Part 1. Journey to the Obsidian Caverns

NOTE: If the adventurers took on this adventure after finding a map, skip ahead to The Journey.

The adventurers arrive at Stonehold, a dwarven settlement at the foot of a mountain range known for its rich mineral deposits. Stonehold is a medium-sized dwarven settlement nestled in the foothills of the Cragtooth Mountains. With a population of about 1,500 dwarves, it serves as a bustling hub for mining operations, crafting, and trade. The town is well-known for its skilled artisans and blacksmiths, who produce high-quality goods for trade with neighboring settlements. Stonehold’s infrastructure includes sturdy stone buildings, well-maintained roads, and a central marketplace that caters to both locals and visitors.

Key Features of Stonehold:

  • Mithril Mug Tavern: A popular gathering spot for locals and travelers alike, known for its hearty meals and strong ales.

  • Stonehold Market: A bustling marketplace where artisans and merchants sell their wares, from weapons and armor to jewelry and mining equipment.

  • Ironfoot Mining Consortium Headquarters: The administrative center for the mining operations, located near the entrance to the Obsidian Caverns.

  • Temple of Moradin: A place of worship for the dwarves, dedicated to Moradin, the dwarven god of creation and craftsmanship, where blessings for safety and prosperity are sought.

  • Elda Gemseeker’s Library: A repository of dwarven history and lore, where adventurers can learn about the legends and secrets of the region.

Recently, the town has been facing difficulties due to the presence of a xorn in the Obsidian Caverns, which has disrupted mining operations and threatened the local economy. The townsfolk are anxious, and the normally bustling village is unusually quiet. The adventurers can make their way to the Mithril Mug, the local tavern, where they are likely to find more information about the situation.


As you enter Stonehold, you notice an unusual stillness in the air. The streets, typically bustling with dwarven merchants and miners, are eerily quiet. Shops display signs of closure, and a sense of unease hangs over the town. Approaching the Mithril Mug tavern, the murmur of subdued conversation and the clink of mugs provide a semblance of normalcy. Inside, dwarves sit in small groups, casting wary glances around the room. Behind the bar, a stout dwarf with a thick red beard greets you with a nod, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and desperation.

“We’re in a real bind here, folks," he begins, rubbing his hands together as if to ward off a chill. "That blasted xorn has put a halt to our mining operations, and our livelihood's hangin’ in the balance. We could use some capable hands to deal with this menace and secure the caverns. We’ve heard tales of your exploits, and I reckon you might be the right ones for the job. We’re prepared to offer a fair reward if you can rid us of this nuisance and protect the treasures of our forefathers. Will ye help us?"

The NPCs provide the following information if interviewed by the characters:

Brekk Ironfoot

  • Xorn's Impact: "That blasted xorn has been devourin' our precious metals, leavin' the miners empty-handed and the town's coffers dwindlin'."

  • Caverns Layout: "The Obsidian Caverns are a maze of tunnels. Stick to the map, and ye might avoid gettin' lost in there."

  • Dwarven Vault: "Legends speak of a vault hidden deep within the caverns, filled with treasures from our ancestors. Keep yer eyes peeled for it."

  • Xorn's Abilities: "The creature moves through stone like it’s water, makin' it hard to pin down. Ye’ll need to be clever to best it."

  • Help from Locals: "Talk to Elda Gemseeker if ye want more history on the caverns. The blacksmith might have some gear to help ye too."

Elda Gemseeker

  • History of the Vault: “The vault within the Obsidian Caverns was crafted by our ancestors to safeguard treasures of great worth, both material and spiritual. It holds relics of a bygone era, waiting to be uncovered by those deemed worthy.”

  • Dangers of the Caverns: “The caverns are as treacherous as they are bountiful. Be wary of shifting stones and unseen threats, for many have lost their way in those depths.”

  • Xorn’s Impact: “The xorn’s presence disrupts more than just our mining efforts; it disturbs the delicate balance of the caverns. The creature must be dealt with to restore harmony.”

  • Legends of the Cragtooth Mountains: “These mountains hold many secrets beyond the vault. Tales of forgotten ruins and hidden passages abound, for those with the courage to seek them.”

  • Dwarven Artifacts: “Look for symbols of our craft within the caverns—marks left by those who came before us. They may guide you to hidden chambers or offer protection.”

Kargal Stonehammer

  • Forge Services: “If ye need a weapon or some armor, I’ll forge it strong and true. I’ve got some new stock that might interest ye.”

  • Xorn Defense Tips: “The xorn’s hide is tough, but a well-placed strike from a good blade can do wonders. Keep yer wits about ye in those caverns.”

  • Community Concerns: “The folks here are worried about the xorn. If ye can put an end to it, ye’ll have the thanks of all Stonehold.”

  • Recent Rumors: “There’s been talk of strange sounds comin’ from the caverns. Could be the xorn, or somethin’ else lurkin’ in the dark.”

  • Trade Offers: “If ye bring me rare ores or metals, I’ll craft ye somethin’ special. Always lookin’ for new materials to work with.”

Brynn Granitehelm

  • History of the Vault: “The vault within the Obsidian Caverns was crafted by our ancestors to safeguard treasures of great worth, both material and spiritual. It holds relics of a bygone era, waiting to be uncovered by those deemed worthy.”

  • Dangers of the Caverns: “The caverns are as treacherous as they are bountiful. Be wary of shifting stones and unseen threats, for many have lost their way in those depths.”

  • Xorn’s Impact: “The xorn’s presence disrupts more than just our mining efforts; it disturbs the delicate balance of the caverns. The creature must be dealt with to restore harmony.”

  • Legends of the Cragtooth Mountains: “These mountains hold many secrets beyond the vault. Tales of forgotten ruins and hidden passages abound, for those with the courage to seek them.”

  • Dwarven Artifacts: “Look for symbols of our craft within the caverns—marks left by those who came before us. They may guide you to hidden chambers or offer protection.”

Thalric Ironfoot

  • Mining Impact: “The xorn’s interference is costing us dearly. Production has slowed to a crawl, and we need to resolve this matter swiftly.”

  • Cavern Insights: “Our maps indicate several routes that might lead ye to the vault. Choose wisely, as some paths are more perilous than others.”

  • Strategic Advice: “A well-planned approach will be crucial in dealing with the xorn. Coordinate your efforts, and consider every angle.”

  • Consortium Resources: “The consortium can offer support in the form of supplies or equipment. Let me know what ye require for the task ahead.”

  • Future Prospects: “Once the xorn is dealt with, we can resume operations and uncover new veins of ore. The future of Stonehold depends on it.”

Revered Sister Durla Stonevein

  • Blessings and Guidance: “May Moradin’s light guide ye on your journey. Take with ye his blessings for strength and protection.”

  • Spiritual Insights: “The caverns are sacred ground, holding the spirits of our ancestors. Tread with respect, and they may aid ye in times of need.”

  • Communal Support: “The temple offers sanctuary and healing to those in need. Should ye require assistance, do not hesitate to seek us out.”

  • Legends of the Vault: “The vault is said to contain relics of great power, forged in Moradin’s name. Use them wisely, should ye find them.”

  • Xorn Warnings: “The xorn is a creature of chaos, disrupting the balance of stone and earth. It must be stopped to restore harmony.”


As a representative of the Ironfoot Mining Consortium, Brekk has been authorized to award the party a claim to 15% of the treasures that remain in the vault. If pressed, he is willing to go as high as 25%.

The Journey

The journey to the Obsidian Caverns is approximately five miles and takes about two hours on foot.

With a map in hand, the rugged landscape of the Cragtooth Mountains stretches out before you. The path to the Obsidian Caverns is well-trodden yet challenging, winding through rocky foothills and dense thickets. The air is crisp and invigorating, carrying the scent of pine and earth. As you make your way along the trail, the occasional tremor underfoot serves as a stark reminder of the xorn that awaits within the caverns.

Along the path, the party will encounter a rockslide. A DC 15 Dexterity saving throw is required to avoid it. Anyone with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or higher hears the rumblings and recognizes it as a danger, giving them advantage on the saving throw. An adventurer takes 2d10 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Approaching the Caverns

As the party draws closer to the entrance of the Obsidian Caverns, the ground becomes increasingly unstable, and the air grows cooler and damper. The cavern entrance looms ahead, framed by jagged rock formations and partially obscured by creeping vines.

The entrance to the Obsidian Caverns rises before you, an ominous maw set into the mountainside. The rock walls are rugged and weathered, with veins of precious metals glinting faintly in the dim light. A chill wind blows from the cavern's depths, carrying with it the faint echoes of shifting stone. This is the threshold to the unknown, where danger and riches await in equal measure.

Part 2. The Obsidian Caverns

The Obsidian Caverns are a vast network of tunnels and chambers, rich with mineral deposits and steeped in dwarven history. The air inside is cool and damp, with the constant drip of water echoing off the stone walls. As the adventurers step into the caverns, they leave behind the light of day and enter a world of darkness and mystery, where danger lurks around every corner.

Cavern Features

Unstable Ground: Certain sections of the caverns have unstable floors that can collapse under the adventurers' weight. Players may need to make DC 14 Dexterity saving throws to avoid falling into crevices or being caught in cave-ins. Perception or Investigation checks can help spot these hazards before they become a problem.

Darkness and Visibility: The lack of natural light in the caverns can hinder exploration. Adventurers without darkvision must rely on torches or magical light sources. These can create dramatic shadows that might hide threats. The GM can increase tension with sudden gusts of wind that extinguish flames or by requiring Wisdom (Perception) checks to spot hidden dangers.

Narrow Passages and Squeezing: Some tunnels are narrow and require characters to squeeze through, which could slow their movement and make them vulnerable to ambushes. The GM can use these moments to build suspense and emphasize the claustrophobic environment.

The darkness of the Obsidian Caverns swallows you whole as you step inside, the entrance quickly fading into the gloom behind you. The walls are rugged and uneven, shimmering with veins of precious metals that seem to pulse with an otherworldly glow. The sound of dripping water echoes through the tunnels, punctuated by the occasional distant rumble of shifting stone. Stalactites and stalagmites form jagged teeth around you, casting eerie shadows in the dim light of your torches. The air is thick and cool, filled with the scent of earth and minerals.

Signs of the Xorn

The xorn's presence is felt throughout the caverns, and perceptive adventurers may notice clues that hint at its activity.

  • Depleted Ore Veins: As the party explores, they may come across sections of the cavern walls that have been stripped of valuable minerals. A successful DC13 Intelligence (Investigation) check can reveal that these veins have been recently consumed by a xorn, as evidenced by the odd bite marks.

  • Scattered Gemstones: The adventurers might find small piles of gemstones left behind by the xorn, either uneaten or simply overlooked. These can serve as 10 gp rewards and warnings, as the xorn may be nearby.

  • Tremors and Sounds: Occasional tremors shake the caverns, accompanied by the distant rumble of stone. These disturbances may herald the xorn's approach, warning the adventurers of its presence. Wisdom (Insight) or Intelligence (Arcana) checks can reveal the nature of these vibrations.

  • Miner Tools and Equipment: Abandoned mining tools and equipment may be found scattered about, hinting at the xorn’s interference with mining operations. A closer inspection with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (History) or Intelligence (Investigation) check could reveal how long the tools have been there and whether any miners escaped.

As the adventurers delve deeper into the Obsidian Caverns, they transition from the outer tunnels to the more dangerous inner sections, where the xorn is most active.

The tunnels grow narrower and more oppressive as you delve deeper into the caverns, the weight of the mountain pressing down around you. The air is colder here, and the walls close in, the stone slick with moisture. The distant rumble of shifting earth grows louder, accompanied by the faint sound of grinding stone. You sense that you are nearing the heart of the caverns, where the xorn lurks and the treasures of the dwarven vault await.

A pack of 2d6 kobolds patrols the caverns, scavenging the gemstone droppings of the xorn. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) will detect the tracks and a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) will identify them. The kobolds are stealthy creatures and attempt to ambush the players if they get the chance. If the players detect the kobolds, read the following:

As you navigate the cavern, you notice the glint of eyes reflecting your torchlight. A band of kobolds emerges from the shadows, their greedy eyes fixed on the scattered gemstones. Chattering excitedly in their guttural language, they quickly spread out, their movements quick and deliberate, as they prepare to attack!

After the encounter with the kobolds, the players can find an incomplete tunnel to rest and recover. If they stay much more than an hour, another patrol of 2d6 kobolds are likely to find them.

Part 3. The Vault

As the adventurers reach the inner caverns, they find themselves in the heart of the xorn’s domain. This area is rich with mineral veins and gemstones, making it both a lucrative and dangerous place. The xorn is aware of their presence and will use its abilities to ambush and challenge them.

The air grows colder and heavier as you step into the inner chambers of the caverns. Precious metals and gemstones glint from the walls, casting eerie reflections in the dim light. The ground trembles beneath your feet, and you hear the grinding sound of stone shifting. From the depths of the earth, a hulking, three-legged form emerges, its eyes fixed hungrily on your party. The xorn, guardian of these treasures, has come to defend its hoard.

Xorn Combat Tactics

The xorn will use its abilities and the environment to its advantage, creating a challenging encounter for the adventurers.

  • Earth Glide: The xorn can move through solid stone as easily as it walks on the ground. It will use this ability to launch surprise attacks, emerging from the floor or walls to ambush unsuspecting adventurers.

  • Tremorsense: The xorn can sense vibrations in the ground, making it difficult to hide or retreat. The party must remain mobile and unpredictable to avoid being detected and outmaneuvered.

  • Multiattack: The xorn can attack with its claws and bite in a single round, targeting heavily armored characters or those carrying the most metal. Its primary objective is to defend its territory and consume any valuable metals the party carries.

A party of four level 7 adventurers may find this battle a little easy. For a more challenging adventure, add a second xorn to the mix.

With a roar, the xorn lunges forward, its massive claws tearing through the air. It lashes out with surprising speed and precision, its jagged teeth snapping hungrily at your gear. The very ground beneath you shakes as it moves, a reminder of the power it wields within its stone domain.

Securing the Dwarven Vault

After defeating or bypassing the xorn, the adventurers reach the entrance to the dwarven vault, where they must overcome additional challenges to secure its treasures.

Beyond the defeated xorn, a massive stone door stands as the final barrier between you and the legendary dwarven vault. Runes carved into the surface glow faintly with ancient magic, whispering secrets of the past. As you approach, the air is filled with a sense of anticipation and the promise of rewards long sought.

Unlocking the Vault

  • Runic Puzzle: The door to the vault is sealed with a complex runic puzzle that requires solving. This puzzle involves deciphering ancient dwarven runes, requiring successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) or DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) checks. The party must work together to align the runes in the correct sequence, unlocking the door.

  • Magical Trap: The vault is protected by a Glyph of Warding to ward off intruders. It is nearly invisible, requiring a successful DC 19 Intelligence (Investigation) check to detect it. Opening the door without disarming the trap (Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or Intelligence (Arcana) checks) or failing to disarm it triggers the explosive runes of the spell.

    • Explosive Runes. When triggered, the glyph erupts with magical energy in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on the glyph. The sphere spreads around corners. Each creature in the area must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 5d8 acid damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Upon successfully unlocking the vault, the adventurers gain access to the treasures within, as well as the gratitude of the dwarven community.

The stone door swings open with a resounding thud, revealing a chamber filled with the glittering bounty of the dwarven ancestors. Gold, gemstones, and finely crafted weapons and armor are stacked neatly within, a testament to the skill and wealth of those who came before. As you step inside, you feel the weight of history upon you, and the realization that your journey has uncovered a legacy long hidden.


The vault contains a value of 10,220 gp in gold, precious gems, and masterfully crafted weapons and armor. The adventurers can take their share as a reward, with the understanding that some of the treasures will be returned to the dwarven community.

If the adventure was prompted by Brekk Ironfoot, their cut of the treasure is 5,110 gp, 10 gems worth 100 gp each, two +1 Weapons, a set of Adamantine Scale Mail Armor, a Bag of Holding, a Rod of Alertness, four Greater Potions of Healing, and two Supreme Potions of Healing.

Upon returning to Stonehold, the adventurers are hailed as heroes. The community offers additional rewards, such as discounts on goods and services, honorary titles, or even land within the settlement.


The successful resolution of the xorn threat restores prosperity to Stonehold, allowing the mining operations to resume and the town to flourish. The adventurers' actions have a lasting impact on the community and its future.

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